Looking forward to 2016!

Last week we found out our new classes for 2016. We got to spend time together as a class which I really enjoyed! It was nice to meet some new and familiar faces and welcome everyone into the classroom.

Some of the things that the students are looking forward to include…..our bright “garden facing” classroom, learning new stuff, camp, excursions, Inquiry, continuing with Writers and Readers Workshops, having a new teacher, doing really fun activities and much, much more!

Here are some photos of us in the classroom and exploring the outside area.

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I’m looking forward to getting to know you all next year. What are you looking forward to the most?

Maths Game

Yesterday Maddy and Eva from 4A came to our classroom to share a maths game that they had developed for a maths project.

They did a fantastic job of explaining the game including a Learning Focus and Success Criteria.IMG_1781 IMG_1782

Eva and Maddy brought all of the materials needed apart from the 10 sided dice.

The game involved throwing two die, multiplying them and placing a small cube on the answer – laminated sheet (if it was there!)

3A thought that the game was well thought out and that the girls explained the rules with confidence. They were also very helpful.


Coke and Mentos Experiment

As part of our investigation into Solids, Liquids and Gas we carried out an experiment on Thursday.

We had already seen an experiment that was similar to this on You Tube but wanted to try it out for ourselves.

QUESTION: What will happen when Mentos are put into Pepsi and Mapsi Max.

HYPOTHESIS: The pepsi will froth up.

MATERIALS: Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Mentos, Tube


1. Take all of the materials to an area outside

2. Put funnel/tube into top of both bottles

3. Drop  3 Mentos into the funnel of the Pepsi and move away quickly

4. Drop 3 mentor into the funnel of the Pepsi Max and move away even more quickly!

FINDINGS: Both types of Pepsi fizzed up and went over the top. The Pepsi Max fizzed up way more than the Pepsi though.

CONCLUSION: The roughness of the Mentos combined with the extra chemicals in Pepsi Max make for a more impressive reaction.

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