Returning to school

Reutrning to school after the Summer holidays can bring mixed feelings.

While many of us feel excitement at the prospect of returning to school, it is natural for some of us to have “butterflies” in our tummies and to feel a bit nervous about the changes.

Things that we can look forward to include; seeing old friends, making new friends, getting to know your new teacher, setting up the classroom, learning new things and spending the first two weeks easing into the year thanks to our “Starting Right” program.

Many of us might feel a bit nervous (even some of your teachers!) and this is to be expected. There are lots of changes at the beginning of the school year which include new classmates, teacher and classroom. The Summer holidays have meant lots of time playing, spending time with family and being at the beach which is different to being at school.

Just remember that you are not the only one feeling a bit nervous and that it is a natural feeling. For most of us, after the first hour of being in our new classrooms with our new classmates and teacher, nervousness leaves and we start to feel comfortable in our new surroundings.

It is not just your teacher who wants to help you, everyone at school is on your side and this includes all staff members (including Mr Vella, Mr Steven, Mrs Kebbell & Ms Curtain) and students. Think of which character strengths you are going to use, make sure you get lots of sleep (it can be tiring getting back into the school routine), get organised the night before and if you are worried, talk to you parents, friends and/or teacher or other staff member. This is a healthy approach and will get you off to a great start!

We can’t wait to see you at school on Tuesday and look forward to having a great year!

Here are some picture story books with positive messages about going back to school.

The Wild Guide To Starting School

Little Nic’s Big Day

The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be

The Pigeon Has To Go To School