Interesting words

This week in Reading our Learning Focus has been “Expand Vocabulary” with success criteria: “I can tune in to interesting words”.

The Lions group were reading “I never know how poems start” and came up with a big list of interesting words.


One of the interesting words in this book was satellite! We were able to work out what this word meant by looking at the words before and after.

Have you read any interesting words lately?




Writing using the ideas trait

We have begun this week looking at the ideas trait. Miss King read us a book called Tulip sees America . 

After reading the book we did an activity with a partner. We thought about “The best place to visit in the world”. We used descriptive words to write what that place might look, feel, smell, taste and sound like.

Here are some photos of us working on this activity.



What is your favorite place?





Throughout this year we have observed a magpie or two doing what magpies do. We have seen nests being built in preparation for babies, we have seen babies being fed (we think) and we have had conversations about magpies swooping and why they do this. So, it was with great excitement that we saw our baby magpie with it’s mother yesterday. The mum was teaching it how to look for worms and the dad was close by keeping an eye on things.

Have you seen any other magpie chicks around Barwon Heads?

Can you think of any words to describe the magpie chick?