Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

People who are strong in the character strength “appreciation of beauty and excellence”  notice and enjoy the beauty, skill and excellence involved in things around them including nature, art and architecture.

These people notice and enjoy beauty in many places and they notice and enjoy watching people who are talented or very skilled in what they do. An example of this is when you admire a classmate who is awesome at drawing or writing.

Personally, I like to take photos to capture the beauty of nature, like the one above which I took when hiking in Europe last month. I find that Barwon Heads, especially the beachs, has no end of natural beauty – where is your favourite spot?

Hope you enjoy this clip which we recorded in 2021!

An inspirational person who I would say posesses this strength is David Attenborough. He shares his love of the natural environment through his films. I love this quote by David Attenborough:

People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure”.

A message of hope and celebration of nature from David Attenborough

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown

The Dot by Peter Reynolds

Henri Matisse was a famous French artist who painted and made collages. Maybe you will feel inspired to make your own colour block collage after watching this!

The beauty of nature

Draw, or describe a time when you were in nature and felt a sense of wonder because of your surroundings.


Have you ever wondered why a good laugh can make you feel so amazing? Humor is superpower that’s not just about giggles and chuckles, but also about building strong character traits. Get ready to discover why humour is more than just a funny face!

What is Humour?: Humor is like a magical potion that can make people laugh, smile, and feel happier. It’s like a secret code that helps us find the funny side of things, even in tough times. Imagine being able to turn a frown into a smile just by telling a funny joke or making a silly face. That’s the power of humour!

Humour comes within the Positive Emotions arm of our PosEd model and is a great tool to use to improve how you are feeling.

Why is Humor a Superpower?:

  1. Building Friendships: Imagine meeting someone new and making them laugh. It’s like a friendship spell that instantly makes you friends! People love to be around those who make them laugh, so humor helps you connect with others.
  2. Spreading Joy: Have you ever seen someone’s face light up when you tell a funny story? That’s because humor spreads happiness like sunshine. When you make someone laugh, you’re sharing a special gift with them.
  3. Problem Solver: Humor isn’t just about jokes; it can also help you solve problems. When you face a tricky situation, finding something funny about it can help you think creatively and find solutions.

The Power of Smiles: When you laugh, your brain releases a magical potion called endorphins. These endorphins are like tiny happiness boosters that make you feel good inside. Have you noticed that after a hearty laugh, your whole body feels relaxed? That’s because humor is like a mini-vacation for your mind!

Different Ways to Use Humor:

  1. Jokes: Knock-knock jokes, riddles, and puns are all great ways to spread a little laughter. Want to hear a joke? Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  2. Silly Stories: Create your own funny stories with characters like talking animals or wacky wizards. Make them as silly as possible and watch your friends giggle!
  3. Funny Faces: Sometimes, a goofy expression can make everyone burst into laughter. Experiment with funny faces in front of the mirror – you might discover a hilarious talent!

Using Humor Wisely: While humor is a fantastic superpower, remember to use it kindly and thoughtfully. Not everyone might find the same things funny, so be considerate of other people’s feelings. The best superheroes use their powers for good, and the same goes for the power of humour!

You’ve just unlocked the secrets of humor, a superpower that can make you a friend-magnet, a joy-spreader, and a creative problem-solver. With a funny joke or a silly face, you can brighten someone’s day and make the world a happier place. So, keep those giggles coming and remember, a smile is the best accessory you can wear every day!

Babies Laughing (2.52)

The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors. (10.08)

Cute Pandas Doing Funny Things (2.05)

Walter the Farting Dog (7.49)

Share something that has made you laugh! It could be a book or something else that you have read, something you have watched on TV or something that someone else has done 🙂

Self Control

Self-control is a character strength that we all possess! Just like your favourite heroes in comic books, you have the power to harness self-control and use it to achieve amazing things in your life. So, let’s explore what self-control is and why it’s such a fantastic superpower to have.

What is Self-Control?

Imagine having your very own magic wand that helps you make better choices, stay focussed, and overcome challenges. That’s what self-control is – it’s like a superpower that lets you manage your thoughts, emotions, and actions, even when faced with tempting situations or difficult tasks.

The Benefits of Self-Control:

  1. A Mindful Mastermind: With self-control, you become the mastermind of your thoughts. You can pause and think before reacting, making sure your decisions are thoughtful and wise. It helps you avoid impulsive actions that you might regret later.
  2. Achieve Goals Like a Pro: Setting goals is like having a treasure map to success. Self-control helps you stay on track, even when the journey gets tough. It keeps you disciplined, motivated, and determined to reach those goals, no matter how big or small they may be.
  3. Super Study Skills: Remember when you couldn’t concentrate on your homework because of the exciting video game waiting for you? Self-control to the rescue! It helps you focus on your studies and resist distractions, making you a super scholar. This is why Self-control fits within the “Engagement” arm of our PERMA.
  4. Friendships Made Easy: Building strong and lasting friendships requires understanding and empathy. Self-control helps you manage conflicts and communicate effectively, making you an excellent friend and a great team player.
  5. Superhero Resilience: Life sometimes throws curveballs, but with self-control, you can handle challenges like a true superhero. It enables you to bounce back from setbacks, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.
  6. Health and Wellness Wonder: Self-control extends its magic to your health. It empowers you to make smart choices about nutrition, exercise, and sleep, keeping your body strong and your mind sharp.
  7. Empowering Emotions: Emotions can be like a rollercoaster ride, but self-control helps you stay in the driver’s seat. It allows you to understand and manage your feelings, promoting emotional well-being and healthy relationships.

How to Harness Your Self-Control Superpower:

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is like your secret training ground for self-control. Take a few minutes each day to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice helps you become more aware of your impulses and empowers you to respond thoughtfully.
  2. Set SMART Goals: SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Break your big dreams into smaller, manageable tasks, and use self-control to stay committed to each step.
  3. Take Deep Breaths: When you feel overwhelmed or tempted to make a snap decision, take a deep breath. Breathing helps calm your mind and gives you the space to make wiser choices.
  4. Seek Support from Others: Even superheroes have allies! Talk to your family, teachers, or friends about your goals and challenges. They can provide encouragement and accountability.

The self-control superpower is within you. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as it transforms you into the best version of yourself. With self-control by your side, you’ll conquer any obstacle and soar to new heights in all areas of life!

Self Control (2 mins)

Read Aloud: The Choices I Make: Self-Regulation Skills by Michael Gordon

Again – Read Aloud

Self-Control (G 5-6)


At Barwon Heads PS friendship fits in the Relationships arm of our PERMA model and is one of the most magical character strengths you possess. Friendship is like a superpower that makes life more colourful, exciting, and filled with joy. Just like your favorite superheroes, you have this incredible ability to build strong connections and create lasting bonds with others.

What is Friendship?

Friendship is when you find someone who understands you, cares about you, and enjoys spending time with you. Friends are the superheroes who stand by your side through thick and thin, sharing laughter and adventures!

Why is Friendship Important?

  1. Support and Understanding: Friends help us when we need it most. If you’re feeling sad, worried, or just having a bad day, a friend can be there to listen, offer a hug, or make you smile.
  2. Sharing Fun and Adventures: With friends, every day is a new adventure! You can explore the world together, play games, create art, or even have exciting make-believe adventures.
  3. Learning and Growing: Friends are like mirrors – they help us see ourselves better. They teach us new things, help us improve, and support us in becoming better versions of ourselves.
  4. Feeling Happy: Have you ever noticed how happy you feel when you’re with your friends? That’s because they add a sprinkle of joy to your life, making everything more enjoyable.

How to Be a Super Friend?

Being a super friend is easy and fun! Here are some tips to become the best friend anyone could have:

  1. Be Kind: Show kindness to others, just like superheroes do. Be gentle with your words and actions, and try to understand how your friends feel.
  2. Listen and Share: Listen carefully when your friends talk, and share your thoughts and feelings with them too. Communication is a vital part of friendship.
  3. Support Each Other: Celebrate your friends’ successes, and be there to lift them up when they feel down. Super friends always have each other’s backs!
  4. Be Yourself: You’re amazing just the way you are, so don’t be afraid to show your true self to your friends. Real friends love you for who you are.
  5. Apologise and Forgive: Sometimes, superheroes make mistakes too. If you do something wrong, say sorry, and if your friends apologize, forgive them. It helps make your friendship stronger.

Remember, Everyone Can Be a Super Friend!

Friendship is a super strength that all of you already possess. It doesn’t matter if you’re big or small, shy or outgoing – everyone can be an incredible friend. The world becomes a better place when we’re kind and supportive to each other.

So, go out there and spread your superpower of friendship! Make new friends, cherish the old ones, and remember that you have the power to make a difference in someone’s life, just by being a caring and loyal friend

Being a good friend

Kid President’s Guide to Making New Friends

Friendship Soup Recipe

Friends and Friendships (G4-6)

How to be a good friend (sesame Street)

The Den – Read Aloud