
If you are creative it means that you like coming up with new ways of doing things.

There are so many wonderful picture story books with the theme of Creativity that it was tricky to pick just two!

“What do you do with an idea” by Kobi Yamada

“Not a box,” is about a character who thinks differently about the many possible uses for boxes.

Pos Ed Day

This Friday, the second of November is the first ever PosEd Day where we celebrate all things PosEd including theCharacter strengths, our PERMA Starfish model and our Positive Statements!

Here are some photos from a Slideshow put together by PESA (Positive Education Schools Association).









Open Mindedness

Open mindedness means, thinking things through and being open to different
people or ideas.
Open mindedness and respect can be promoted by demonstrating empathy and compassion through your words and actions. People who are open-minded love others despite AND because of their differences.

Although “The Ghost of Miss Annabel Spoon” is about loneliness, see if you can work out how it is also about open-mindedness.


Wisdom is different from intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge, the capacity to give advice and to recognise and weigh multiple sides before making decisions. People with wisdom are able to answer important questions about some of the meanings of life.

This clip is most suitable for year 3 and up.

Words of wisdom from Dr Seuss

Can you think of any words of wisdom from a picture story book written by another author?

Molly’s great idea

Molly has come up with a fun idea for using our Positive Statements in a new way and I love how she has used her creative thinking skills to come up with this original idea!

Molly is in Mr Lord’s class and her task was to present a speaking and listening activity of her own choice to her class.

When Molly was at home, she came up with the idea of using the BHPS Positive Statements to teach her class how to make a chatterbox using some favourite statements. She then related them to the Character strength that you would use to practice that statement.

Here are some examples of the chatterboxes that Molly and Poppy made. We’re looking forward to Molly taking our class to show them how to make Positive Statement chatterboxes.

Thank you Molly!

Mindfulness & Gratitude

When a person is mindful, it means that they are aware of

An idea for an activity is to have the students work in small groups to create plays to perform to the rest of the class based on the Mindfulness goals:

-Pause to clear my head

-Follow my class and school rules

-Think before I act or speak

-Act with self-control in the classroom and playground

-Use positive thinking skills to improve how I feel

Kids explaining Mindfulness

Gratitude as a life skill.

How about making a list of all the things you are grateful for right now?

Persistence and Goals

Goal setting is important because it gives us a sense of purpose that can improve our confidence and build our self-esteem. It also helps us to focus and make better decisions.

Research findings demonstrate that establishing challenging goals, rather than ‘do your best’ goals, is a more effective way of setting expectations for students. Difficult yet achievable goals have an energising effect which motivates students to strive to the highest levels.

When goals are chosen by the students themselves, with support from teachers, the goals are more meaningful.

Some examples of goal setting from the BHPS Positive Statements by Grade 5s.



Have you set a personal goal?

Would you like to share it?