


The Barwon Heads Primary School PERMA defines Acccomplishment as having a “growth mindset”. This is about the beliefs that students have about their learning intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.

At Barwon Heads Primary School, the following statements relate to Accomplishment:

-Think positive thoughts and don’t give up

-Challenge myself

-always do the best I can

-have a growth mindset

-learning from my mistakes

-believe in myself

-achieve my personal best and not compare myself to others

-make a plan and work hard to achieve my goals.




At BHPS our wellbeing model now includes “Meaning”. We felt it was important to include meaning because the presence of meaning leads to greater fulfillment and, ultimately, wellbeing. People’s work, especially occupations such as teaching, that serve others, volunteering and raising children can provide a sense of purpose. Expressing gratitude, identifying your strengths, respecting our environment, taking time to reflect and understand what is important to you, helping others and living your life with integrity are all ways to live a more meaningful life.

Our wellbeing model defines “Meaning” as: I belong to a world bigger than my own and means:

  • look after and respect our environment
  • use the character strengths of positive role models
  • make decisions, ask questions and reflect on my learning and my goals
  • use my strengths in all I do
  • do things that make a positive difference
  • help others
  • contribute to developing and using our class expectations
  • confidently voice my ideas
  • recognise that I am part of a school and wider community


Caine’s Arcade complements quite a few of our Character Strengths and our PERMA model. How does it relate to meaning?




At Barwon Heads Primary School, “Relationships” is an important part of our PERMA wellbeing model and means: I accept, understand and empathise with others. Our positive statements relating to relationships are:

I can

  • show respect to everyone.
  • be a positive bystander
  • be a bucket filler
  • be open minded towards others and their ideas.
  • take responsibility when I make a mistake
  • forgive others
  • be kind to everyone
  • work to fix relationships
  • include others
  • care about the feelings of others

Happiness is linked with close, meaningful, friendships. Our relationships with others support positive emotions. When we have friends, and groups of friends, these relationships can spread happiness, cheer and laughter like wild fire! Just think of how much happier you are to be back at school (after remote learning) and being able to see and play with your friends again!


Our classic book where we use the bucket filling metaphor for filling others with kindness.

I love the kindness illustrated in this clip.

Can I join your club?

What makes a good friend?

Young kids talk about what friendship means to them


This week at Barwon Heads PS we will continue to unpack our PERMA wellbeing statements whilst looking at ENGAGEMENT.

Engagement means: Making the most of learning opportunities and to be successful in doing this you can:

โˆ™ be enthusiastic towards my learning

โˆ™ tune in to instruction and tasks

โˆ™ use the Learning Focus and Success Criteria

โˆ™ make the most of conferencing time with my teacher

โˆ™ do my best to achieve flow when doing activities I enjoy most

โˆ™ focus on my school-work

โˆ™ follow my class and school rules

โˆ™ think before I act or speak

โˆ™ act with self-control in the classroom and playground


Thank you, Mr. Falker is a story about a girl who shows a growth mindset, persistence and engagement in her learning to achieve success with her reading – helped by her kind teacher!

Simon the Self Control Seal

Argyle Fox

Positive Emotions

Learning to identify and express feelings in a positive way helps us all to develop the skills they need to manage them effectively.

Children who learn healthy ways to express and cope with their feelings are more likely to:

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(Kids helpline)

which is why Positive Emotions is one of the five pillars of our school’s wellbeing model.

At Barwon Heads PS we aim to improve the wellbeing literacy of our students so that they are able to identify how they they are feeling and how others are feeling.

Our Positive Statements have been developed by teachers and students and are based on research from the science of Positive Psychology. They identify strategies that we can use to improve how we are feeling.

Positive Emotions: I use many words to express emotions.

I can….

  • notice how others are feeling
  • tell others how I am feeling
  • use positive thinking skills to improve how I feel
  • pause to clear my head and be aware
  • have lots to look forward to
  • use strategies to be calm and happy
  • think of things to be grateful for